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Property details from your emails - Properly by Particle Space

Properly automatically allows you to view property information without leaving your Gmail account.

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How it Works


Just Open an Email

Start by opening an email with an address. We automatically search property details from addresses found in your email; saving you time and effort.

Trusted Sources

Access Data you Can Have Confidence in

Properly uses leading technology to constantly verify property data to ensure you have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information.


Never Leave your Gmail again

Properly automatically displays the data in a clear manner right there in your Gmail. You can scroll through details of the property while still being able to view your Gmail, so you’ll never have to manually look up property details ever again.

Who is it For

Why Properly is Right for You

Effortlessly oversee your clients' addresses and property details without the hassle of opening another tab.
Review thousands of detailed and accurate property information to maximize property investments through the ease of a Chrome extension.
Effectively manage your team through incoming property leads without leaving your Gmail.

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10000 Marshall Dr